Community Awareness of epilepsy - Epilepsy Queensland

Community Awareness

Epilepsy Queensland is passionate about raising epilepsy awareness in the community.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions with more than 50 million people living with the condition worldwide. Approximately 200,000 Queenslanders (3 – 4% of our population) will acquire epilepsy during their lifetime and almost 30 000 people currently live with an active diagnosis.

Anyone, at any time, can be diagnosed with epilepsy; however, the groups most commonly diagnosed are those under the age of 5 years and  those aged over 60 years.

Epilepsy interrupts lives, creating barriers to employment, education, socialising and participating in the community. These barriers are often a result of a lack of community understanding about epilepsy and seizures.

Breaking down myths and misconceptions

At Epilepsy Queensland, we envision a community aware, removing barriers to participation and inclusion for people living with epilepsy.

We do this by providing epilepsy education and building community awareness. We encourage people to talk about epilepsy. By sharing our stories we can help break down stigma and misconceptions that surround this common condition.


Get involved!

There are many ways you can help to bring epilepsy out of the shadows.

Make March Purple

Purple Day is on Thursday 26 March, but you can Make March Purple anytime throughout the month.

Five ways to get involved

  1. Wear purple for epilepsy
  2. Host a Make March Purple fundraiser
  3. Take on a challenge
  4. Buy or sell merchandise
  5. Post a selfie from a Make March Purple event or illumination on social media

Get Seizure Smart

Our aim is for at least one person in every household and workplace to be able to identify the different types of seizures and be able to provide basic seizure first aid. Follow our Get Seizure Smart campaign on our social media channels.

Social Media

Join in the conversation on social media – Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, YouTube

Share your story

Personal stories can make a big difference when it comes to increasing awareness and understanding whilst influencing attitudes in the broader community. If you’re willing to share how epilepsy has touched your life or that of someone close to you, we would love to hear from you.

To get involved please conatct us by emailing or 1300 852 853
Epilepsy Queensland