Your neurologist appointment
Diagnosing and managing your epilepsy or neurological disorder should be a partnership between you and your neurologist and depends on sharing relevant information about your health and its history.
You may have heard of the term, ‘There is no such thing as a stupid question’! Likewise, there is no question about your health that you should be afraid to ask your doctor or neurologist.
Important questions include:
- What type of epilepsy/seizures do I have?
- How will my epilepsy affect my health?
- What is the treatment and what will it do?
- How will my epilepsy affect my daily life and activities?
- What safety precautions should I put in place?
When answering questions, you and your neurologist will be exchanging a lot of information. It often helps to have a family member or friend with you to listen, take notes, or ask questions.
The below link provides a fact sheet for what to take to your neurologist appointment.