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Learning How To Live Well

Education plays a vital role in enhancing quality of life for anyone impacted by epilepsy, from demystifying the condition, debunking myths and building that all-important confidence.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free if properly diagnosed and treated. We are committed to supporting people to access treatment, manage their epilepsy and live full and fulfilling lives.

"It gave me a whole new level of understanding, including some things I’ve heard the specialists talking about and haven’t understood at the time. It gives you an understanding of the options out there, and the confidence that you do survive." - Nicole
Get In Touch With Our Epilepsy Experts

Get In Touch With Our Epilepsy Experts

To find out more, contact our Living Well team on 1300 852 853 or email livingwell@epilepsyqueensland.com.au

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