About the NDIS and epilepsy - Epilepsy Queensland

About the NDIS

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme and provides the necessary support for people with permanent and significant disability/ies to live the life they choose with help to achieve their goals and ambitions.

The NDIS assists you to:

  • Access mainstream services and supports – for example, the services available to all Australians that you receive from doctors or teachers through the health and education systems.
  • Access community services and supports – the activities and services available to everyone in your community, such as libraries, community groups and sports clubs.
  • Maintain your informal support arrangements - the help you get from family and friends.
  • Receive reasonable and necessary funded supports - the NDIS may fund individual supports for a person with a significant and permanent disability or impairment that enables you to be safe, develop your independence and access mainstream, community and specialised services.

If you are not eligible for an individual funding package through the NDIS, you can still access general support through the NDIA’s Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Programs.


Epilepsy Queensland